Monday, June 7, 2010

The Little Things

I have just started my new job at an accounting firm, so this week has been full of adjustments. I left a job which I knew every person and each person’s personality, as well as a building I could run through backwards and forwards with my eyes closed in the dark! It was a place I felt totally comfortable in and a place where I have reach great recognition! It may have only been a part-time job and only for two and a half short years, but it felt like a big portion of my life! I had worked hard to get where I was, so leaving was harder than I imagined. But when all good things come to an end, God always opens another door and a new direction in your life.

I am now in a new location across town with new people (most of which are a lot older than me), I don’t have as much interaction with customers, for the most part I am in one room or at a desk, and to top it off my pay went down nearly two dollars! Now, you are probably wondering why in the world I took this job and how in the world can I be excited about this! Well, this job is in the career field I am studying and God has blessed me with this opportunity I have been searching for the past few years, so I know great things are to come from it!

But I must back up real quick. When I heard about this job and found out the details, I have to admit, I wasn’t as excited as I had hoped for. I found out that this job was a lot of errand running (going to the bank, post office, getting the oil changed in the partners cars, etc) Yes, there was a little accounting I got to look over time to time, but it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. Jesus said in Luke 16:10 – “Unless you are faithful in the small matters, you won’t be faithful in the large ones” After reading this, this job requirements and thinking about why I was really here started to make a lot more sense. God may be cutting my pay and putting me in a place I am unfamiliar with, but I felt him saying that if I can’t start from the bottom again with the little things, I will never amount to what it takes to become the accountant I hope to be when the big things come my way.

Matthew 24:45-47 ~ “Who is a faithful, sensible servant…? If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. I assure you, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns.” These little things that I am doing now are testing my faithfulness. I have complete faith in God and the plans He has for me, so I know that being where I am today is just part of the path of life that He is leading me down. I hope that you can take time to think about where you are today, how you got to where you are, and where you see God leading you in the future. When you get frustrated with the little things in life, know that you are just being tested “and when the master returns and finds the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward”.

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